The answer to the riddle “Tot de kardinaal een indiaans heilig voorwerp brengt. (5) letters” is WIEROK.
Kardinaal: This Dutch word translates to “cardinal” in English, a high-ranking member of the Catholic Church.
Indiaans heilig voorwerp: This phrase refers to a sacred object used in Native American spiritual practices.
WIEROK: This word means “incense” in Dutch, a fragrant substance burned for religious or ceremonial purposes.
The riddle suggests a scenario where a cardinal is presented with a sacred incense object, possibly as a gesture of respect or as part of a religious ceremony. The contrast between the cardinal’s Catholic affiliation and the Native American origin of the object adds an intriguing layer to the puzzle.
Additional thoughts:
The use of incense in religious and spiritual traditions is a common practice across cultures, symbolizing purification, connection to the divine, and the transformation of matter into spirit.
The presentation of the incense object to the cardinal could represent a bridge between different faith traditions, fostering interfaith dialogue and understanding.
The riddle’s brevity and lack of explicit context leave room for interpretation, allowing for creative and imaginative solutions.