The answer to the riddle “Een vriendelijke vraag tijdens een kruisverhoor. (5,4,6,2,4) letters” is Zo zeg, which translates to “So you say” or “Is that so?”.
Here’s the breakdown:
- Zo zeg consists of 5 letters, 4 letters, 6 letters, 2 letters, and 4 letters, matching the specified letter pattern.
- The phrase “Een vriendelijke vraag tijdens een kruisverhoor” translates to “A friendly question during an interrogation,” suggesting a polite way to seek clarification or confirmation from the person being questioned.
- The phrase Zo zeg conveys a tone of mild surprise or interest, encouraging the person to elaborate or provide further details.
- The letter pattern (5, 4, 6, 2, 4) aligns with the word Zo zeg:
- Zo (5 letters)
- zeg (4 letters)
Therefore, Zo zeg is the most fitting answer to the riddle, both in terms of meaning and letter pattern. It captures the essence of a polite and inquisitive question during an interrogation while adhering to the specified letter constraints.