The number “(17)” following “Bedrijfsvergunning” (business permit) could refer to a couple of things in the Netherlands:
Specific permit number: It’s possible “(17)” is a unique identifier for a particular business permit. This wouldn’t tell you much about the permit itself, but it might be helpful if you’re trying to track down details about a specific permit issued by a municipality.
Article or regulation number: In some cases, legislation or regulations regarding business permits might be identified by numbers. For instance, document BWBR0017623 refers to regulations concerning business permits for railway undertakings.
Without more context, it’s difficult to say for sure what “(17)” refers to in relation to business permits. Here are some ways to get more information:
- Search for the permit number: If you have the full permit number, you might be able to find details about it on the website of the municipality that issued it.
- Contact the municipality: The municipality that handles business permits in your area should be able to answer your questions about “(17)” and business permits in general. You can find contact information for your municipality through their website.
Here are some resources that you might find helpful:
- Information on official announcements regarding permits: (in Dutch)